Medical Hypnosis

Below are some of the possibilities of using Hypnosis to support your journey from ill health to optimum levels of wellness. I can support you to feel positive and help you foster a sense of control and involvement in your healing journey. I take my duty of care seriously and have a deep understanding of the medical process through my experience of over 40 years as a registered nurse working in many different settings and modalities.


A Duke University stress management study showed that reduced stress, along with standard care, reduced the blood glucose levels in diabetic patients. Over-eating and obesity influences insulin secretion from the pancreas. Clinical evidence has proven that by reducing weight to healthy levels, diabetic symptoms will diminish with the fat stores.

Need more motivation? I can help you with exercise, healthy eating patterns, sleeping, management of medication and needle phobias. Acceptance of this diagnosis can be difficult but with positive resources the challenge can be manageable.

Cardiovascular System

The links between emotions, personality and heart disease are well known. Stress is also a factor as muscular tension effects blood circulation and shallow breathing reduces oxygen levels. Stress can also elevate cholesterol levels, which affects plaque build up. Studies have shown that cardiac rates can be influenced by the mind and hypnotic trance reduces heart rate. Hypertension levels can be dramatically reduced by the effective management of stress.

Diet, lifestyle as well as mental and emotional patterns can all be enhanced with Hypnosis.


It has been noted that patients with cancer who have a higher survival rate have tendencies toward healthy self-esteem, positive feelings about their future, and who get involved in their treatment.

There have been many studies done on the positive effects of Hypnosis during Cancer treatment. The outcomes show higher numbers of immune system cells, enhanced coping mechanisms and reduction of stress during procedures. Hypnosis is also effective in Pain management and the reduction of nausea associated with treatment.


There is a strong link between stress and disorders of the skin hence stress management and relaxation support healing. Painful skin conditions benefit from Hypnosis specifically pain modulation.


Stress can have devastating impacts on a women’s fertility and can cause changes to the hormonal system. Women can stop menstruating and spasms may occur in the Fallopian Tubes. Recent studies in Israel showed the success rate of IVF treatment doubled when participants were hypnotised during implantation.

By learning Self- hypnosis you can gain self – management techniques to enhance success. I can assist you to create the most positive mental outlook for success by resolving negativity and challenging beliefs.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The nervous system has a profound influence on our digestive system. Who hasn’t felt sick as a response to anxiety? The Enteric Nervous System is responsible for digestion and helps convert food into nutrients. As a response to fright and flight the body prepares itself by emptying the digestive system, amazing really when you think how our bodies respond to stress. As chemical changes take place the symptoms of diarrhoea and cramping can occur.

Emeran Mayer M.D. , a specialist in digestive disorders states that IBS is the response to stressors and triggers by the emotional motor systems (limbic system) of the central nervous system.

I can help you learn new and exciting ways to deal with stress and assist you to relax more in your every day life.


Dental procedures can be unpleasant and invasive. When you can approach a dental visit free of tension and anxiety the benefit is less chemical anaesthesia.

The aim of having hypnotic support for dentistry is to create a sense of calm, to release endorphins during the procedure, reduce the need for so much analgesia, and can also support needle phobias.